Search Results for "decoherence theory"
10091 - 10100 of 13134 for decoherence theorySearch Results

The haversine, also called the haversed sine, is a little-used entire trigonometric function defined by hav(z) = 1/2vers(z) (1) = 1/2(1-cosz) (2) = sin^2(1/2z), (3) where ...
A fair coin is tossed an even 2n number of times. Let D=|H-T| be the absolute difference in the number of heads and tails obtained. Then the probability distribution is given ...
A partial differential diffusion equation of the form (partialU)/(partialt)=kappadel ^2U. (1) Physically, the equation commonly arises in situations where kappa is the ...
To solve the heat conduction equation on a two-dimensional disk of radius a=1, try to separate the equation using U(r,theta,t)=R(r)Theta(theta)T(t). (1) Writing the theta and ...
The Heine-Borel theorem states that a subspace of R^n (with the usual topology) is compact iff it is closed and bounded. The Heine-Borel theorem can be proved using the ...
In two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, attempt separation of variables by writing F(x,y)=X(x)Y(y), (1) then the Helmholtz differential equation becomes ...
In two-dimensional polar coordinates, the Helmholtz differential equation is 1/rpartial/(partialr)(r(partialF)/(partialr))+1/(r^2)(partial^2F)/(partialtheta^2)+k^2F=0. (1) ...
On the surface of a sphere, attempt separation of variables in spherical coordinates by writing F(theta,phi)=Theta(theta)Phi(phi), (1) then the Helmholtz differential ...
The hemicube, which might also be called the square hemiprism, is a simple solid that serves as an example of one of the two topological classes of convex hexahedron having 7 ...
When the elongated square pyramid with unit edge lengths (i.e., an equilateral obelisk) is truncated by a plane passing through opposite corners of its square base and the ...