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A set of two numbers or objects linked in some way is said to be a pair. The pair a and b is usually denoted (a, b), and is generally considered to be ordered, making it a ...
A string of length n on an alphabet l of m characters is an arrangement of n not necessarily distinct symbols from l. There are m^n such distinct strings. For example, the ...
An n-tuple, sometimes simply called a "tuple" when the number n is known implicitly, is another word for a list, i.e., an ordered set of n elements. It can be interpreted as ...
A hash function H projects a value from a set with many (or even an infinite number of) members to a value from a set with a fixed number of (fewer) members. Hash functions ...
In combinatorial logic minimization, a device known as a Karnaugh map is frequently used. It is similar to a truth table, but the various variables are represented along two ...
Smale (1958) proved that it is mathematically possible to turn a sphere inside-out without introducing a sharp crease at any point. This means there is a regular homotopy ...
A mathematical procedure for finding the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimizing the sum of the squares of the offsets ("the residuals") of the points from ...
The value nearest to but still inside an inner fence.
A set of values of similar meaning obtained in any manner.
The ratio of a measure of the size of a "fit" to the size of a "residual."
