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A right angle is an angle equal to half the angle from one end of a line segment to the other. A right angle is pi/2 radians or 90 degrees. A triangle containing a right ...
The general bivariate quadratic curve can be written ax^2+2bxy+cy^2+2dx+2fy+g=0. (1) Define the following quantities: Delta = |a b d; b c f; d f g| (2) J = |a b; b c| (3) I = ...
Given a rectangle having sides in the ratio 1:phi, the golden ratio phi is defined such that partitioning the original rectangle into a square and new rectangle results in a ...
Let x:U->R^3 be a regular patch, where U is an open subset of R^2. Then (partiale)/(partialv)-(partialf)/(partialu) = eGamma_(12)^1+f(Gamma_(12)^2-Gamma_(11)^1)-gGamma_(11)^2 ...
Roughly speaking, the metric tensor g_(ij) is a function which tells how to compute the distance between any two points in a given space. Its components can be viewed as ...
The Reuleaux tetrahedron, sometimes also called the spherical tetrahedron, is the three-dimensional solid common to four spheres of equal radius placed so that the center of ...
The catacaustic of the quadrifolium with arbitrary radiant point is a complicated function. A few example are illustrated above.
The Scarabaeus curve is a sextic curve given by the equation (x^2+y^2)(x^2+y^2+ax)^2-b^2(x^2-y^2)^2=0 and by the polar equation r=bcos(2theta)-acostheta where a,b!=0.
The swastika curve is Cundy and Rollett's (1989, p. 71) name for the quartic plane curve with Cartesian equation y^4-x^4=xy and polar equation ...
The Dürer folium is a special case of the rose curve with n=1. It is therefore also an epitrochoid. It has polar equation r=asin(theta/2) (1) and can be written as a ...