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A labeled binary tree containing the labels 1 to n with root 1, branches leading to nodes labeled 2 and 3, branches from these leading to 4, 5 and 6, 7, respectively, and so ...
Any computable function can be incorporated into a program using while-loops (i.e., "while something is true, do something else"). For-loops (which have a fixed iteration ...
A number which can be computed to any number of digits desired by a Turing machine. Surprisingly, most irrationals are not computable numbers!
The computational paradigm is a term introduced by Wolfram (2002, 2021) to describe the idea of using simple programs rather than mathematical equations (the latter of which ...
Some computations allow shortcuts which can be used to speed them up. Consider the operation of raising a number to a positive integer power. It is possible, for example, to ...
In machine learning theory and artificial intelligence, a concept c over a domain X is a Boolean function c:X->{0,1}. A collection of concepts is called a concept class. In ...
A recursively enumerable set A is creative if its complement is productive. Creative sets are not recursive. The property of creativeness coincides with completeness. Namely, ...
A Turing machine is called deterministic if there is always at most one instruction associated with a given present internal state/tape state pair (q,s). Otherwise, it is ...
An algorithm which allows digits of a given number to be calculated without requiring the computation of earlier digits. The BBP formula for pi is the best-known such ...
An encoding is a way of representing a number or expression in terms of another (usually simpler) one. However, multiple expressions can also be encoded as a single ...