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An irreducible fraction is a fraction p/q for which GCD(p,q)=1, i.e., p and q are relatively prime. For example, in the complex plane, (4+7i)/(2+i)=3+2i is reducible, while ...
A conformal mapping, also called a conformal map, conformal transformation, angle-preserving transformation, or biholomorphic map, is a transformation w=f(z) that preserves ...
A synonym for analytic function, regular function, differentiable function, complex differentiable function, and holomorphic map (Krantz 1999, p. 16). The word derives from ...
A complete metric space is a metric space in which every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Examples include the real numbers with the usual metric, the complex numbers, ...
A linear functional on a real vector space V is a function T:V->R, which satisfies the following properties. 1. T(v+w)=T(v)+T(w), and 2. T(alphav)=alphaT(v). When V is a ...
Informally, a symplectic map is a map which preserves the sum of areas projected onto the set of (p_i,q_i) planes. It is the generalization of an area-preserving map. ...
Any complex measure lambda decomposes into an absolutely continuous measure lambda_a and a singular measure lambda_c, with respect to some positive measure mu. This is the ...
The vector field N_f(z)=-(f(z))/(f^'(z)) arising in the definition of the Newtonian graph of a complex univariate polynomial f (Smale 1985, Shub et al. 1988, Kozen and ...
A positive measure is a measure which is a function from the measurable sets of a measure space to the nonnegative real numbers. Sometimes, this is what is meant by measure, ...
The so-called generalized Fourier integral is a pair of integrals--a "lower Fourier integral" and an "upper Fourier integral"--which allow certain complex-valued functions f ...
