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A single-valued function is function that, for each point in the domain, has a unique value in the range. It is therefore one-to-one or many-to-one. A single-valued complex ...
A disk with radius 1. The (open) unit disk can also be considered to be the region in the complex plane defined by {z:|z|<1}, where |z| denotes the complex modulus. (The ...
A branch point of an analytic function is a point in the complex plane whose complex argument can be mapped from a single point in the domain to multiple points in the range. ...
A closed two-form omega on a complex manifold M which is also the negative imaginary part of a Hermitian metric h=g-iomega is called a Kähler form. In this case, M is called ...
Every odd integer n is a prime or the sum of three primes. This problem is closely related to Vinogradov's theorem.
The (complete) gamma function Gamma(n) is defined to be an extension of the factorial to complex and real number arguments. It is related to the factorial by Gamma(n)=(n-1)!, ...
Let z=re^(itheta)=x+iy be a complex number, then inequality |(zexp(sqrt(1-z^2)))/(1+sqrt(1-z^2))|<=1 (1) holds in the lens-shaped region illustrated above. Written explicitly ...
The holomorphic tangent bundle to a complex manifold is given by its complexified tangent vectors which are of type (1,0). In a coordinate chart z=(z_1,...,z_n), the bundle ...
A complex vector bundle is a vector bundle pi:E->M whose fiber bundles pi^(-1)(m) are a copy of C^k. pi is a holomorphic vector bundle if it is a holomorphic map between ...
Kontsevich's integral is a far-reaching generalization of the Gauss integral for the linking number, and provides a tool to construct the universal Vassiliev invariant of a ...
