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A figurate number of the form P_n^((4))=1/6n(n+1)(2n+1), (1) corresponding to a configuration of points which form a square pyramid, is called a square pyramidal number (or ...
The minimal polynomial of an algebraic number zeta is the unique irreducible monic polynomial of smallest degree p(x) with rational coefficients such that p(zeta)=0 and whose ...
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(5n-2)/6, The first few are 1, 8, 26, 60, 115, ... (OEIS A002413). The generating function for the heptagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A pyramidal number of the form n(n+1)(4n-1)/6, The first few are 1, 7, 22, 50, 95, ... (OEIS A002412). The generating function of the hexagonal pyramidal numbers is ...
A Sierpiński number of the second kind is a number k satisfying Sierpiński's composite number theorem, i.e., a Proth number k such that k·2^n+1 is composite for every n>=1. ...
A number b_(2n) having generating function sum_(n=0)^(infty)b_(2n)x^(2n) = 1/2ln((e^(x/2)-e^(-x/2))/(1/2x)) (1) = 1/2ln2+1/(48)x^2-1/(5760)x^4+1/(362880)x^6-.... (2) For n=1, ...
A centered triangular number is a centered polygonal number consisting of a central dot with three dots around it, and then additional dots in the gaps between adjacent dots. ...
An n-step Fibonacci sequence {F_k^((n))}_(k=1)^infty is defined by letting F_k^((n))=0 for k<=0, F_1^((n))=F_2^((n))=1, and other terms according to the linear recurrence ...
The composite number problem asks if for a given positive integer N there exist positive integers m and n such that N=mn. The complexity of the composite number problem was ...
Given a "good" graph G (i.e., one for which all intersecting graph edges intersect in a single point and arise from four distinct graph vertices), the crossing number is the ...
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