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A quasiperfect number, called a "slightly excessive number" by Singh (1997), is a "least" abundant number, i.e., one such that sigma(n)=2n+1. Quasiperfect numbers are ...
The Chern number is defined in terms of the Chern class of a manifold as follows. For any collection Chern classes such that their cup product has the same dimension as the ...
The Pontryagin number is defined in terms of the Pontryagin class of a manifold as follows. For any collection of Pontryagin classes such that their cup product has the same ...
Let the stick number s(K) of a knot K be the least number of straight sticks needed to make a knot K. The smallest stick number of any knot is s(T)=6, where T is the trefoil ...
A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction p/q where p and q are integers and q!=0. A rational number p/q is said to have numerator p and denominator ...
A Pisot number is a positive algebraic integer greater than 1 all of whose conjugate elements have absolute value less than 1. A real quadratic algebraic integer greater than ...
The number of equivalent hyperspheres in n dimensions which can touch an equivalent hypersphere without any intersections, also sometimes called the Newton number, contact ...
There are two definitions of the Fermat number. The less common is a number of the form 2^n+1 obtained by setting x=1 in a Fermat polynomial, the first few of which are 3, 5, ...
A Z-number is a real number xi such that 0<=frac[(3/2)^kxi]<1/2 for all k=1, 2, ..., where frac(x) is the fractional part of x. Mahler (1968) showed that there is at most one ...
An Achilles number is a positive integer that is powerful (in the sense that each prime factor occurs with exponent greater than one) but imperfect (in the sense that the ...
