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The set of terms of first-order logic (also known as first-order predicate calculus) is defined by the following rules: 1. A variable is a term. 2. If f is an n-place ...
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
The fish graph is the graph on 6 vertices illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["FishGraph"].
There are three theorems related to pedal circles that go under the collective title of the Fontené theorems. The first Fontené theorem lets DeltaABC be a triangle and P an ...
In the Minkowski space of special relativity, a four-vector is a four-element vector x^mu=(x^0,x^1,x^2,x^3) that transforms under a Lorentz transformation like the position ...
The Franklin graph is the 12-vertex cubic graph shown above whose embedding on the Klein bottle divides it into regions having a minimal coloring using six colors, thus ...
The free module of rank n over a nonzero unit ring R, usually denoted R^n, is the set of all sequences {a_1,a_2,...,a_n} that can be formed by picking n (not necessarily ...
The envelope of the plane lx+my+nz=c, (1) where c is the speed of propagation of a wave in the direction (l,m,n) (i.e., l, m, and n are the direction cosines) is known as the ...
If x_0 is an ordinary point of the ordinary differential equation, expand y in a Taylor series about x_0. Commonly, the expansion point can be taken as x_0=0, resulting in ...
The Frucht graph is smallest cubic identity graph (Skiena 1990, p. 185). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["FruchtGraph"]. It has 12 vertices and 18 ...
