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Differential geometry is the study of Riemannian manifolds. Differential geometry deals with metrical notions on manifolds, while differential topology deals with nonmetrical ...
The dihedral group D_n is the symmetry group of an n-sided regular polygon for n>1. The group order of D_n is 2n. Dihedral groups D_n are non-Abelian permutation groups for ...
Dijkstra's algorithm is an algorithm for finding a graph geodesic, i.e., the shortest path between two graph vertices in a graph. It functions by constructing a shortest-path ...
Let f be a real-valued function defined on an interval [a,b] and let x_0 in (a,b). The four one-sided limits D^+f(x_0)=lim sup_(x->x_0+)(f(x)-f(x_0))/(x-x_0), (1) ...
A dipyramid, also called a bipyramid, consists of two pyramids symmetrically placed base-to-base. The dipyramids are duals of the regular prisms. Their skeletons are the ...
The quantum electrodynamical law which applies to spin-1/2 particles and is the relativistic generalization of the Schrödinger equation. In 3+1 dimensions (three space ...
A graph in which each graph edge is replaced by a directed graph edge, also called a digraph. A directed graph having no multiple edges or loops (corresponding to a binary ...
There are several types of integrals which go under the name of a "Dirichlet integral." The integral D[u]=int_Omega|del u|^2dV (1) appears in Dirichlet's principle. The ...
The distance polynomial is the characteristic polynomial of the graph distance matrix. The following table summarizes distance polynomials for some common classes of graphs. ...
A series which is not convergent. Series may diverge by marching off to infinity or by oscillating. Divergent series have some curious properties. For example, rearranging ...
