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Let A be a unital C^*-algebra. An element u in A is called unitary if u^*u=uu^*=1. For example, for each self-adjoint element a in A, the element ...
In predicate calculus, a universal formula is a prenex normal form formula (i.e., a formula written as a string of quantifiers and bound variables followed by a ...
Let h:{0,1}^(l(n))×{0,1}^n->{0,1}^(m(n)) be efficiently computable by an algorithm (solving a P-problem). For fixed y in {0,1}^(l(n)), view h(x,y) as a function h_y(x) of x ...
A topological space that contains a homeomorphic image of every topological space of a certain class. A metric space U is said to be universal for a family of metric spaces M ...
An unordered pair representation is a representation of an undirected graph in which edges are specified as unordered pairs of vertex indices. The unordered pairs ...
The unsorted union of a list S is a list containing the same elements as S but with the second and subsequent occurrence of any given element removed. For example, the ...
A graph is said to be unswitchable if it cannot be reduced to another graph with the same degree sequence by edge-switching. Conversely, a graph that can be reduced to ...
A triangular matrix U of the form U_(ij)={a_(ij) for i<=j; 0 for i>j. (1) Written explicitly, U=[a_(11) a_(12) ... a_(1n); 0 a_(22) ... a_(2n); | | ... |; 0 0 ... a_(nn)]. ...
A characterization of normal spaces which states that a topological space X is normal iff, for any two nonempty closed disjoint subsets A, and B of X, there is a continuous ...
The (m,q)-Ustimenko graph is the distance-1 or distance-2 graph of the dual polar graph on [C_m(q)] (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 279). The Ustimenko graph with parameters m and q ...
