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11061 - 11070 of 13135 for complex numberSearch Results
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematics Competition is an annual mathematics contest open to North American college students administered by the Mathematical Association of ...
A mathematical problem, usually not requiring advanced mathematics, to which a solution is desired. Puzzles frequently require the rearrangement of existing pieces (e.g., 15 ...
The Pythagorean means are the three "classic" means A (the arithmetic mean), G (the geometric mean), and H (the harmonic mean) are sometimes known as the Pythagorean means. ...
"Q.E.D." (sometimes written "QED") is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum" ("that which was to be demonstrated"), a notation which is often placed ...
"Q.E.F.," sometimes written "QEF," is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "quod erat faciendum" ("that which was to be done"). It is a translation of the Greek words used by ...
Given a matrix A, its QR-decomposition is a matrix decomposition of the form A=QR, where R is an upper triangular matrix and Q is an orthogonal matrix, i.e., one satisfying ...
The index I associated to a symmetric, non-degenerate, and bilinear g over a finite-dimensional vector space V is a nonnegative integer defined by I=max_(W in S)(dimW) where ...
The quadrifolium is the 4-petalled rose curve having n=2. It has polar equation r=asin(2theta) (1) and Cartesian equation (x^2+y^2)^3=4a^2x^2y^2. (2) The area of the ...
Quantile-quantile plots (also called q-q plots) are used to determine if two data sets come from populations with a common distribution. In such a plot, points are formed ...
Given a random variable X with continuous and strictly monotonic probability density function f(X), a quantile function Q_f assigns to each probability p attained by f the ...
