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The technique of extracting the content from geometric (tensor) equations by working in component notation and rearranging indices as required. Index gymnastics is a ...
An indicial equation, also called a characteristic equation, is a recurrence equation obtained during application of the Frobenius method of solving a second-order ordinary ...
If a subgroup H of G has a group representation phi:H×W->W, then there is a unique induced representation of G on a vector space V. The original space W is contained in V, ...
At the age of 17, Bernard Mares proposed the definite integral (Borwein and Bailey 2003, p. 26; Bailey et al. 2006) C_2 = int_0^inftycos(2x)product_(n=1)^(infty)cos(x/n)dx ...
A real-valued univariate function f=f(x) is said to have an infinite discontinuity at a point x_0 in its domain provided that either (or both) of the lower or upper limits of ...
An infinitesimal transformation of a vector r is given by r^'=(I+e)r, (1) where the matrix e is infinitesimal and I is the identity matrix. (Note that the infinitesimal ...
An inflection point is a point on a curve at which the sign of the curvature (i.e., the concavity) changes. Inflection points may be stationary points, but are not local ...
The branch of mathematics dealing with the efficient and accurate storage, transmission, and representation of information.
An inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients is an ordinary differential equation in which coefficients are constants (i.e., not ...
Let (A,<=) be a well ordered set. Then the set {a in A:a<k} for some k in A is called an initial segment of A (Rubin 1967, p. 161; Dauben 1990, pp. 196-197; Moore 1982, pp. ...
