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The complement of a graph G, sometimes called the edge-complement (Gross and Yellen 2006, p. 86), is the graph G^', sometimes denoted G^_ or G^c (e.g., Clark and Entringer ...
The distance d(u,v) between two vertices u and v of a finite graph is the minimum length of the paths connecting them (i.e., the length of a graph geodesic). If no such path ...
The eigenvalues of a graph are defined as the eigenvalues of its adjacency matrix. The set of eigenvalues of a graph is called a graph spectrum. The largest eigenvalue ...
The energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the absolute values of its graph eigenvalues (i.e., the sum of its graph spectrum terms). Other varieties of graph energy are ...
In Season 4 episode "Black Swan" of the television crime drama NUMB3RS, the character Amita Ramanujan refers to graph entropies when studying a map of the Los Angeles while ...
Let V(G) be the vertex set of a simple graph and E(G) its edge set. Then a graph isomorphism from a simple graph G to a simple graph H is a bijection f:V(G)->V(H) such that ...
There exists no known P algorithm for graph isomorphism testing, although the problem has also not been shown to be NP-complete. In fact, the problem of identifying ...
The graph product denoted G-H and defined by the adjacency relations (gadjg^') or (g=g^' and hadjh^'). The graph lexicographic product is also known as the graph composition ...
The graph neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph is the set of all the vertices adjacent to v including v itself. More generally, the ith neighborhood of v is the set of all ...
An orientation of an undirected graph G is an assignment of exactly one direction to each of the edges of G. Only connected, bridgeless graphs can have a strong orientation ...
