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A Bergman kernel is a function of a complex variable with the "reproducing kernel" property defined for any domain in which there exist nonzero analytic functions of class ...
The prime counting function is the function pi(x) giving the number of primes less than or equal to a given number x (Shanks 1993, p. 15). For example, there are no primes ...
A function H that maps an arbitrary length message M to a fixed length message digest MD is a one-way hash function if 1. It is a one-way function. 2. Given M and H(M), it is ...
Elliptic alpha functions relate the complete elliptic integrals of the first K(k_r) and second kinds E(k_r) at elliptic integral singular values k_r according to alpha(r) = ...
A generalization of the complete beta function defined by B(z;a,b)=int_0^zu^(a-1)(1-u)^(b-1)du, (1) sometimes also denoted B_z(a,b). The so-called Chebyshev integral is given ...
Given the left factorial function Sigma(n)=sum_(k=1)^nk!, SK(p) for p prime is the smallest integer n such that p|1+Sigma(n-1). The first few known values of SK(p) are 2, 4, ...
The operator partial^_ is defined on a complex manifold, and is called the 'del bar operator.' The exterior derivative d takes a function and yields a one-form. It decomposes ...
The conjecture that the Artin L-function of any n-dimensional complex representation of the Galois group of a finite extension of the rational numbers Q is an Artin ...
The confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind _1F_1(a;b;z) is a degenerate form of the hypergeometric function _2F_1(a,b;c;z) which arises as a solution the ...
A function f(x) is completely convex in an open interval (a,b) if it has derivatives of all orders there and if (-1)^kf^((2k))(x)>=0 for k=0, 1, 2, ... in that interval ...
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