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An analytic function f(z) satisfying the irreducible algebraic equation A_0(z)f^k+A_1(z)f^(k-1)+...+A_k(z)=0 with single-valued meromorphic functions A_j(z) in a complex ...
A chain complex is a sequence of maps ...-->^(partial_(i+1))C_i-->^(partial_i)C_(i-1)-->^(partial_(i-1))..., (1) where the spaces C_i may be Abelian groups or modules. The ...
A simplicial complex K is said to be locally finite if each vertex of K belongs only to finitely many simplices of K.
The complex structure of a point x=x_1,x_2 in the plane is defined by the linear map J:R^2->R^2 J(x_1,x_2)=(-x_2,x_1), (1) and corresponds to a counterclockwise rotation by ...
An upper semicontinuous function whose restrictions to all complex lines are subharmonic (where defined). These functions were introduced by P. Lelong and Oka in the early ...
A matrix whose elements may contain complex numbers. The matrix product of two 2×2 complex matrices is given by (1) where R_(11) = ...
An abstract simplicial complex is a collection S of finite nonempty sets such that if A is an element of S, then so is every nonempty subset of A (Munkres 1993, p. 15).
A quotient of two polynomials P(z) and Q(z), R(z)=(P(z))/(Q(z)), is called a rational function, or sometimes a rational polynomial function. More generally, if P and Q are ...
The set St^_v-Stv, where St^_v is a closed star and Stv is a star, is called the link of v in a simplicial complex K and is denoted Lkv (Munkres 1993, p. 11).
Let A be a commutative ring and let C_r be an R-module for r=0,1,2,.... A chain complex C__ of the form C__:...|->C_n|->C_(n-1)|->C_(n-2)|->...|->C_2|->C_1|->C_0 is said to ...
