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An isolated singularity is a singularity for which there exists a (small) real number epsilon such that there are no other singularities within a neighborhood of radius ...
A lucky number of Euler is a number p such that the prime-generating polynomial n^2-n+p is prime for n=1, 2, ..., p-1. Such numbers are related to the imaginary quadratic ...
A monomial is a product of positive integer powers of a fixed set of variables (possibly) together with a coefficient, e.g., x, 3xy^2, or -2x^2y^3z. A monomial can also be ...
A pentomino is a 5-polyomino. There are 12 free pentominoes, 18 one-sided pentominoes, and 63 fixed pentominoes. The twelve free pentominoes are known by the letters of the ...
If isosceles triangles with apex angles 2kpi/n are erected on the sides of an arbitrary n-gon A_0, and if this process is repeated with the n-gon A_1 formed by the free ...
A prime ideal is an ideal I such that if ab in I, then either a in I or b in I. For example, in the integers, the ideal a=<p> (i.e., the multiples of p) is prime whenever p ...
The supremum is the least upper bound of a set S, defined as a quantity M such that no member of the set exceeds M, but if epsilon is any positive quantity, however small, ...
Synergetics deals with systems composed of many subsystems which may each be of a very different nature. In particular, synergetics treats systems in which cooperation among ...
"Chaos" is a tricky thing to define. In fact, it is much easier to list properties that a system described as "chaotic" has rather than to give a precise definition of chaos. ...
A convex polyomino (sometimes called a "convex polygon") is a polyomino whose perimeter is equal to that of its minimal bounding box (Bousquet-Mélou et al. 1999). ...