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2081 - 2090 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
The Legendre symbol is a number theoretic function (a/p) which is defined to be equal to +/-1 depending on whether a is a quadratic residue modulo p. The definition is ...
The MacBeath inconic of a triangle is the inconic with parameters x:y:z=a^2cosA:b^2cosB:c^2cosC. (1) Its foci are the circumcenter O and the orthocenter H, giving the center ...
A deconvolution algorithm (sometimes abbreviated MEM) which functions by minimizing a smoothness function ("entropy") in an image. Maximum entropy is also called the ...
A very general theorem that allows the number of discrete combinatorial objects of a given type to be enumerated (counted) as a function of their "order." The most common ...
The field of semidefinite programming (SDP) or semidefinite optimization (SDO) deals with optimization problems over symmetric positive semidefinite matrix variables with ...
If f(z) is analytic in some simply connected region R, then ∮_gammaf(z)dz=0 (1) for any closed contour gamma completely contained in R. Writing z as z=x+iy (2) and f(z) as ...
The bivariate normal distribution is the statistical distribution with probability density function P(x_1,x_2)=1/(2pisigma_1sigma_2sqrt(1-rho^2))exp[-z/(2(1-rho^2))], (1) ...
There are two kinds of Bell polynomials. A Bell polynomial B_n(x), also called an exponential polynomial and denoted phi_n(x) (Bell 1934, Roman 1984, pp. 63-67) is a ...
The most common form of cosine integral is Ci(x) = -int_x^infty(costdt)/t (1) = gamma+lnx+int_0^x(cost-1)/tdt (2) = 1/2[Ei(ix)+Ei(-ix)] (3) = -1/2[E_1(ix)+E_1(-ix)], (4) ...
A hypergeometric identity discovered by Ramanujan around 1910. From Hardy (1999, pp. 13 and 102-103), (1) where a^((n))=a(a+1)...(a+n-1) (2) is the rising factorial (a.k.a. ...
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