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1601 - 1610 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
The Cesàro means of a function f are the arithmetic means sigma_n=1/n(s_0+...+s_(n-1)), (1) n=1, 2, ..., where the addend s_k is the kth partial sum ...
The chi distribution with n degrees of freedom is the distribution followed by the square root of a chi-squared random variable. For n=1, the chi distribution is a ...
The circle method is a method employed by Hardy, Ramanujan, and Littlewood to solve many asymptotic problems in additive number theory, particularly in deriving an asymptotic ...
A set of orthogonal functions {phi_n(x)} is termed complete in the closed interval x in [a,b] if, for every piecewise continuous function f(x) in the interval, the minimum ...
The discrete uniform distribution is also known as the "equally likely outcomes" distribution. Letting a set S have N elements, each of them having the same probability, then ...
The inverse erf function is the inverse function erfc^(-1)(z) of erfc(x) such that erfc(erfc^(-1)(x))=erfc^(-1)(erfc(x)), (1) with the first identity holding for 0<x<2 and ...
The inverse Gaussian distribution, also known as the Wald distribution, is the distribution over [0,infty) with probability density function and distribution function given ...
The German mathematician Kronecker proved that all the Galois extensions of the rationals Q with Abelian Galois groups are subfields of cyclotomic fields Q(mu_n), where mu_n ...
The kei_nu(z) function is defined as the imaginary part of e^(-nupii/2)K_nu(ze^(pii/4))=ker_nu(z)+ikei_nu(z), (1) where K_nu(z) is a modified Bessel function of the second ...
Kelvin defined the Kelvin functions bei and ber according to ber_nu(x)+ibei_nu(x) = J_nu(xe^(3pii/4)) (1) = e^(nupii)J_nu(xe^(-pii/4)), (2) = e^(nupii/2)I_nu(xe^(pii/4)) (3) ...
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