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Kummer's first formula is (1) where _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is the hypergeometric function with m!=-1/2, -1, -3/2, ..., and Gamma(z) is the gamma function. The identity can be written ...
Given a function f(x) plotted in the Cartesian plane as y=f(x), the average rate of change (or average rate of change function) of f from x to a is given by ...
The problem of maximizing a linear function over a convex polyhedron, also known as operations research or optimization theory. The general problem of convex optimization is ...
A function that joins univariate distribution functions to form multivariate distribution functions. A two-dimensional copula is a function C:I^2->I such that C(0,t)=C(t,0)=0 ...
If, for n and d integers, the ratio n/d is itself an integer, then d is said to divide n. This relationship is written d|n, read "d divides n." In this case, n is also said ...
Let f(x) be a positive definite, measurable function on the interval (-infty,infty). Then there exists a monotone increasing, real-valued bounded function alpha(t) such that ...
The French metro metric is an example for disproving apparently intuitive but false properties of metric spaces. The metric consists of a distance function on the plane such ...
The functional derivative is a generalization of the usual derivative that arises in the calculus of variations. In a functional derivative, instead of differentiating a ...
The half-altitude circle is the circumcircle of the half-altitude triangle. The circle function is given by l=(f(a,b,c))/(128a^2b^3c^3cosAcosBcosC), (1) where (2) which is ...
If f:D->Y is a map (a.k.a. function, transformation, etc.) over a domain D, then the image of f, also called the range of D under f, is defined as the set of all values that ...
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