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1341 - 1350 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
Let (x_0,y_0) be any point of a surface function z=f(x,y). Then the surface has a nonvertical tangent plane at (x_0,y_0) with equation ...
The third power point is the triangle center with triangle center function alpha_(32)=a^3. It is Kimberling center X_(32).
The function defined by U(n)=(n!)^(n!). The values for n=0, 1, ..., are 1, 1, 4, 46656, 1333735776850284124449081472843776, ... (OEIS A046882).
The function defined by U(p)=(p#)^(p#), where p is a prime number and p# is a primorial. The values for p=2, 3, ..., are 4, 46656, ...
Sociable numbers computed using the analog of the restricted divisor function s^*(n) in which only unitary divisors are included.
A function f is said to have a upper bound C if f(x)<=C for all x in its domain. The least upper bound is called the supremum. A set is said to be bounded from above if it ...
The integral transform defined by (Kphi)(x) =int_(-infty)^inftyG_(p+2,q)^(m,n+2)(t|1-nu+ix,1-nu-ix,(a_p); (b_p))phi(t)dt, where G_(c,d)^(a,b) is the Meijer G-function.
The hyperbolic cosine integral, often called the "Chi function" for short, is defined by Chi(z)=gamma+lnz+int_0^z(cosht-1)/tdt, (1) where gamma is the Euler-Mascheroni ...
Let X be a set and S a collection of subsets of X. A set function mu:S->[0,infty] is said to possess countable monotonicity provided that, whenever a set E in S is covered by ...
The full width at half maximum (FWHM) is a parameter commonly used to describe the width of a "bump" on a curve or function. It is given by the distance between points on the ...