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1241 - 1250 of 3946 for complex functionSearch Results
The second-order ordinary differential equation x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)-(x^2+n^2)y=0. (1) The solutions are the modified Bessel functions of the first and second kinds, ...
The theta series of a lattice is the generating function for the number of vectors with norm n in the lattice. Theta series for a number of lattices are implemented in the ...
Special functions which arise as solutions to second order ordinary differential equations are commonly said to be "of the first kind" if they are nonsingular at the origin, ...
A class of formal series expansions in derivatives of a distribution Psi(t) which may (but need not) be the normal distribution function Phi(t)=1/(sqrt(2pi))e^(-t^2/2) (1) ...
An algebraic surface of order 3. Schläfli and Cayley classified the singular cubic surfaces. On the general cubic, there exists a curious geometrical structure called double ...
Hadamard's maximum determinant problem asks to find the largest possible determinant (in absolute value) for any n×n matrix whose elements are taken from some set. Hadamard ...
Krall and Fink (1949) defined the Bessel polynomials as the function y_n(x) = sum_(k=0)^(n)((n+k)!)/((n-k)!k!)(x/2)^k (1) = sqrt(2/(pix))e^(1/x)K_(-n-1/2)(1/x), (2) where ...
A method for computing the prime counting function. Define the function T_k(x,a)=(-1)^(beta_0+beta_1+...+beta_(a-1))|_x/(p_1^(beta_0)p_2^(beta_1)...p_a^(beta_(a-1)))_|, (1) ...
The sawtooth wave, called the "castle rim function" by Trott (2004, p. 228), is the periodic function given by S(x)=Afrac(x/T+phi), (1) where frac(x) is the fractional part ...
The Gram series is an approximation to the prime counting function given by G(x)=1+sum_(k=1)^infty((lnx)^k)/(kk!zeta(k+1)), (1) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function ...
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