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A doubly nonnegative matrix is a real positive semidefinite n×n square matrix with nonnegative entries. Any doubly nonnegative matrix A of order n can be expressed as a Gram ...
A (p,q)-graph is edge-graceful if the edges can be labeled 1 through q in such a way that the labels induced on the vertices by summing over incident edges modulo p are ...
The edge chromatic number, sometimes also called the chromatic index, of a graph G is fewest number of colors necessary to color each edge of G such that no two edges ...
The elliptic modulus k is a quantity used in elliptic integrals and elliptic functions defined to be k=sqrt(m), where m is the parameter. An elliptic integral is written ...
"Escher's solid" is the solid illustrated on the right pedestal in M. C. Escher's Waterfall woodcut (Bool et al. 1982, p. 323). It is obtained by augmenting a rhombic ...
A dissection of a rectangle into smaller rectangles such that the original rectangle is not divided into two subrectangles. Rectangle dissections into 3, 4, or 6 pieces ...
According to Hardy and Wright (1979), the 44-digit Ferrier's prime determined to be prime using only a mechanical calculator, is the largest prime found before the days of ...
Given a first-order ordinary differential equation (dy)/(dx)=F(x,y), (1) if F(x,y) can be expressed using separation of variables as F(x,y)=X(x)Y(y), (2) then the equation ...
Let G be a finite graph and v a vertex of G. The stabilizer of v, stab(v), is the set of group elements {g in Aut(G)|g(v)=v}, where Aut(g) is the graph automorphism group. ...
A graph is a forbidden minor if its presence as a graph minor of a given graph means it is not a member of some family of graphs. More generally, there may be a family of ...
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