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351 - 360 of 503 for close-packing of spheresSearch Results
An oriented surface for which every point belongs to a Wiedersehen pair. Proof of the Blaschke conjecture established that the only Wiedersehen surfaces are the standard ...
Let f:M|->N be a map between two compact, connected, oriented n-dimensional manifolds without boundary. Then f induces a homomorphism f_* from the homology groups H_n(M) to ...
The circle H which touches the incircles I, I_A, I_B, and I_C of a circular triangle ABC and its associated triangles. It is either externally tangent to I and internally ...
Draw three circles in the plane, none of which lies completely inside another, and the common external tangent lines for each pair. Then points of intersection of the three ...
An arrangement of overlapping circles which cover the entire plane. A lower bound for a covering using equivalent circles is 2pi/sqrt(27) (Williams 1979, p. 51).
Maximize the number of cookies you can cut from a given expanse of dough (Hoffman 1998, p. 173).
An a×b rectangle can be packed with 1×n strips iff n|a or n|b.
Maximize the amount of floor space which can be covered with a fixed tile (Hoffman 1998, p. 173).
A box can be packed with a harmonic brick a×ab×abc iff the box has dimensions ap×abq×abcr for some natural numbers p, q, r (i.e., the box is a multiple of the brick).
Draw lines P_AQ_A, P_BQ_B, and P_CQ_C through the symmedian point K and parallel to the sides of the triangle DeltaABC. The points where the parallel lines intersect the ...
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