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51 - 60 of 279 for circular motionSearch Results
Consider the circle map. If K is nonzero, then the motion is periodic in some finite region surrounding each rational Omega. This execution of periodic motion in response to ...
A phase curve is a plot of the solution to a set of equations of motion in a phase plane (or more generally, a phase space) as a function of time (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase ...
The idea of a velocity vector comes from classical physics. By representing the position and motion of a single particle using vectors, the equations for motion are simpler ...
A phase portrait is a plot of multiple phase curves corresponding to different initial conditions in the same phase plane (Tabor 1989, p. 14). Phase portraits for simple ...
A curvilinear polygon built up of circular arcs. The Reuleaux polygon is a generalization of the Reuleaux triangle and, for an odd number of sides, is a curve of constant ...
A continuous-time stochastic process W(t) for t>=0 with W(0)=0 and such that the increment W(t)-W(s) is Gaussian with mean 0 and variance t-s for any 0<=s<t, and increments ...
A one-dimensional map whose increments are distributed according to a normal distribution. Let y(t-Deltat) and y(t+Deltat) be values, then their correlation is given by the ...
The mean square displacement (MSD) of a set of N displacements x_n is given by <|x|^2>=sum_(k=1)^N|x_k|^2. It arises particularly in Brownian motion and random walk problems. ...
A tree is planted at each lattice point in a circular orchard which has center at the origin and radius r. If the radius of trees exceeds 1/r units, one is unable to see out ...
The Hénon-Heiles equation is a nonlinear nonintegrable Hamiltonian system with x^.. = -(partialV)/(partialx) (1) y^.. = -(partialV)/(partialy), (2) where the potential energy ...