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The Prelle-Singer method is a semi-decision procedure for solving nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations of the form y^'=P(x,y)/Q(x,y), where P and Q are ...
A curve alpha on a regular surface M is a principal curve iff the velocity alpha^' always points in a principal direction, i.e., S(alpha^')=kappa_ialpha^', where S is the ...
A projection is the transformation of points and lines in one plane onto another plane by connecting corresponding points on the two planes with parallel lines. This can be ...
The path traced out by a fixed point at a radius b>a, where a is the radius of a rolling circle, also sometimes called an extended cycloid. The prolate cycloid contains ...
The Pythagoras tree is a fractal constructed iteratively from a right triangle with squares erected on each of the sides. Subsequent iterations add additional similar right ...
The quadratrix was discovered by Hippias of Elias in 430 BC, and later studied by Dinostratus in 350 BC (MacTutor Archive). It can be used for angle trisection or, more ...
Let C be a curve and let O be a fixed point. Let P be on C and let Q be the curvature center at P. Let P_1 be the point with P_1O a line segment parallel and of equal length ...
The symbol RadicalBox[x, n] used to indicate a root is called a radical, or sometimes a surd. The expression RadicalBox[x, n] is therefore read "x radical n," or "the nth ...
A positive number k such that a lamina or solid body with moment of inertia about an axis I and mass m is given by I=mk^2. Pickover (1995) defines a generalization of k as a ...
Suppose that in some neighborhood of x=0, F(x)=sum_(k=0)^infty(phi(k)(-x)^k)/(k!) (1) for some function (say analytic or integrable) phi(k). Then ...
