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Suppose that f is an analytic function which is defined in the upper half-disk {|z|^2<1,I[z]>0}. Further suppose that f extends to a continuous function on the real axis, and ...
The second Brocard point is the interior point Omega^' (also denoted tau_2 or Z_2) of a triangle DeltaABC with points labeled in counterclockwise order for which the angles ...
A problem also known as the points problem or unfinished game. Consider a tournament involving k players playing the same game repetitively. Each game has a single winner, ...
A smooth structure on a topological manifold (also called a differentiable structure) is given by a smooth atlas of coordinate charts, i.e., the transition functions between ...
The concept of a space is an extremely general and important mathematical construct. Members of the space obey certain addition properties. Spaces which have been ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
A spherical cap is the region of a sphere which lies above (or below) a given plane. If the plane passes through the center of the sphere, the cap is a called a hemisphere, ...
The most common statement known as Steiner's theorem (Casey 1893, p. 329) states that the Pascal lines of the hexagons 123456, 143652, and 163254 formed by interchanging the ...
A special type of binary tree obtained by starting with the fractions 0/1 and 1/0 and iteratively inserting (m+m^')/(n+n^') between each two adjacent fractions m/n and ...
Let C be a curve, let O be a fixed point (the pole), and let O^' be a second fixed point. Let P and P^' be points on a line through O meeting C at Q such that P^'Q=QP=QO^'. ...
