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An m-gonal n-cone graph, also called the n-point suspension of C_m or generalized wheel graph (Buckley and Harary 1988), is defined by the graph join C_m+K^__n, where C_m is ...
A set in R^n which can be reduced to one of its points, say P, by a continuous deformation, is said to be contractible. The transformation is such that each point of the set ...
A curtate cycloid, sometimes also called a contracted cycloid, is the path traced out by a fixed point at a radius b<a, where a is the radius of a rolling circle. Curtate ...
The devil's curve was studied by G. Cramer in 1750 and Lacroix in 1810 (MacTutor Archive). It appeared in Nouvelles Annales in 1858. The Cartesian equation is ...
The 2-1 equation A^n+B^n=C^n (1) is a special case of Fermat's last theorem and so has no solutions for n>=3. Lander et al. (1967) give a table showing the smallest n for ...
Using disk point picking, x = sqrt(r)costheta (1) y = sqrt(r)sintheta (2) for r in [0,1], theta in [0,2pi), choose two points at random in a unit disk and find the ...
The divided difference f[x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n], sometimes also denoted [x_0,x_1,x_2,...,x_n] (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972), on n+1 points x_0, x_1, ..., x_n of a function f(x) ...
An ellipsoid can be specified parametrically by x = acosusinv (1) y = bsinusinv (2) z = ccosv. (3) The geodesic parameters are then P = sin^2v(b^2cos^2u+a^2sin^2u) (4) Q = ...
The term Euclidean refers to everything that can historically or logically be referred to Euclid's monumental treatise The Thirteen Books of the Elements, written around the ...
First-passage percolation is a time-dependent generalization of discrete Bernoulli percolation in which each graph edge e of Z^d is assigned a nonnegative random variable ...
