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If alpha is any number and m and n are integers, then there is a rational number m/n for which |alpha-m/n|<=1/n. (1) If alpha is irrational and k is any whole number, there ...
It is possible to find six points in the plane, no three on a line and no four on a circle (i.e., none of which are collinear or concyclic), such that all the mutual ...
The reciprocal of a real or complex number z!=0 is its multiplicative inverse 1/z=z^(-1), i.e., z to the power -1. The reciprocal of zero is undefined. A plot of the ...
A crossing in a knot diagram for which there exists a circle in the projection plane meeting the diagram transversely at that crossing, but not meeting the diagram at any ...
A reference triangle is a triangle relative to which trilinear coordinates, exact trilinear coordinates, derived triangle, or other objects are defined in triangle geometry ...
An idealized computing machine consisting of a fixed set of data registers and set of instructions for operating on them. Register machines are also known as counter machines ...
The regular dodecagon, illustrated above, is the constructible 12-sided regular polygon that can be denoted using the Schläfli symbol {12}. The Australian 50-cent piece is ...
Rodrigues' rotation formula gives an efficient method for computing the rotation matrix R in SO(3) corresponding to a rotation by an angle theta about a fixed axis specified ...
The nth roots of unity are roots e^(2piik/n) of the cyclotomic equation x^n=1, which are known as the de Moivre numbers. The notations zeta_k, epsilon_k, and epsilon_k, where ...
Rule 182 is one of the elementary cellular automaton rules introduced by Stephen Wolfram in 1983 (Wolfram 1983, 2002). It specifies the next color in a cell, depending on its ...
