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There are two curves known as the butterfly curve. The first is the sextic plane curve given by the implicit equation y^6=x^2-x^6 (1) (Cundy and Rollett 1989, p. 72; left ...
The circle map is a one-dimensional map which maps a circle onto itself theta_(n+1)=theta_n+Omega-K/(2pi)sin(2pitheta_n), (1) where theta_(n+1) is computed mod 1 and K is a ...
The Hénon-Heiles equation is a nonlinear nonintegrable Hamiltonian system with x^.. = -(partialV)/(partialx) (1) y^.. = -(partialV)/(partialy), (2) where the potential energy ...
The Smale horseshoe map consists of a sequence of operations on the unit square. First, stretch in the y direction by more than a factor of two, then compress in the x ...
A Bäcklund transformation allows additional solutions to a nonlinear partial differential equations to be found if one particular solution is already known.
The attractor of the iterated function system given by the set of "fern functions" f_1(x,y) = [0.85 0.04; -0.04 0.85][x; y]+[0.00; 1.60] (1) f_2(x,y) = [-0.15 0.28; 0.26 ...
The longstanding conjecture that the nonimaginary solutions E_n of zeta(1/2+iE_n)=0, (1) where zeta(z) is the Riemann zeta function, are the eigenvalues of an "appropriate" ...
The complexity of a process or algorithm is a measure of how difficult it is to perform. The study of the complexity of algorithms is known as complexity theory. In general, ...
A Julia set J consisting of a set of isolated points which is formed by taking a point outside an underlying set M (e.g., the Mandelbrot set). If the point is outside but ...
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all ...
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