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The phrase Tomita-Takesaki theory refers to a specific collection of results proven within the field of functional analysis regarding the theory of modular Hilbert algebras ...
Take K a number field and m a divisor of K. A congruence subgroup H is defined as a subgroup of the group of all fractional ideals relative prime to m (I_K^m) that contains ...
The theory of point sets and sequences having a uniform distribution. Uniform distribution theory is important in modeling and simulation, and especially in so-called Monte ...
A version of set theory which is a formal system expressed in first-order predicate logic. Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory is based on the Zermelo-Fraenkel axioms. ...
The term "higher dimensional group theory" was introduced by Brown (1982), and refers to a method for obtaining new homotopical information by generalizing to higher ...
The study of number fields by embedding them in a local field is called local class field theory. Information about an equation in a local field may give information about ...
For a Galois extension field K of a field F, the fundamental theorem of Galois theory states that the subgroups of the Galois group G=Gal(K/F) correspond with the subfields ...
von Neumann-Bernays-Gödel set theory (abbreviated "NBG") is a version of set theory which was designed to give the same results as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, but in a more ...
The 6-polyiamond illustrated above.
A quintic curve is an algebraic curve of order five. Examples of quintic curves include the Burnside curve, butterfly catastrophe curve, and stirrup curve.
