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"The" octahedral graph is the 6-node 12-edge Platonic graph having the connectivity of the octahedron. It is isomorphic to the circulant graph Ci_6(1,2), the cocktail party ...
An m-gonal n-cone graph, also called the n-point suspension of C_m or generalized wheel graph (Buckley and Harary 1988), is defined by the graph join C_m+K^__n, where C_m is ...
The Miller Institute knot is the 6-crossing prime knot 6_2. It is alternating, chiral, and invertible. A knot diagram of its laevo form is illustrated above, which is ...
The stevedore's knot is the 6-crossing prime knot 6_1. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as KnotData["Stevedore"]. It has braid word ...
The cocktail party graph of order n, also called the hyperoctahedral graph (Biggs 1993, p. 17), n-octahedron graph O_n (Jungerman and Ringel 1978), matching graph (Arvind et ...
The "contiguous USA graph" is the graph whose vertices represent the contiguous 48 states of the United States plus the District of Columbia (DC) and whose edges connect ...
The Frucht graph is smallest cubic identity graph (Skiena 1990, p. 185). It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["FruchtGraph"]. It has 12 vertices and 18 ...
The m×n king graph is a graph with mn vertices in which each vertex represents a square in an m×n chessboard, and each edge corresponds to a legal move by a king. The number ...
The Royle graphs are the two unique simple graphs on eight nodes whose sigma polynomials have nonreal roots (Read and Wilson 1998, p. 265). The sigma polynomials of these ...
The snub cubical graph is the Archimedean graph on 24 nodes and 60 edges obtained by taking the skeleton of the snub cube. It is a quintic graph, is planar, Hamiltonian, and ...
