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The complete bipartite graph K_(1,3) is a tree known as the "claw." It is isomorphic to the star graph S_4, and is sometimes known as the Y graph (Horton and Bouwer 1991; ...
The dart graph is the 5-vertex graph illustrated above. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as GraphData["DartGraph"].
The banner graph is the (4,1)-tadpole graph illustrated above. It could perhaps also be termed the 'P graph.' It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Harries-Wong graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries graph. The Harries-Wong graph ...
The Harries graph is one of the three (3,10)-cage graphs, the other two being the (10,3)-cage known as the Balaban 10-cage and the Harries-Wong graph. The Harries graph is ...
The Perkel graph is a weakly regular graph on 57 vertices and 171 edges, shown above in several embeddings. It is the unique distance-regular graph with intersection array ...
The cubitruncated cuboctahedral graph is the skeleton of the cubitruncated cuboctahedron, which is the only uniform polyhedron for which this is the case. It is illustrated ...
The ditrigonal icosidodecahedral graph is the skeleton of the cube 5-compound, ditrigonal dodecadodecahedron, great ditrigonalIcosidodecahedron, and small ditrigonal ...
The dodecadodecahedral graph is the skeleton of the dodecadodecahedron, great dodecahemicosahedron, and small dodecahemicosahedron. It is illustrated above in several ...
The tetragonal antiwedge graph is the skeleton of the tetragonal antiwedge. It is a has 6 vertices, 10 edges, and 6 faces. The tetragonal antiwedge graph is self-dual and is ...
