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A Fourier series is an expansion of a periodic function f(x) in terms of an infinite sum of sines and cosines. Fourier series make use of the orthogonality relationships of ...
A fractal is an object or quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. The object need not exhibit exactly the same structure at all ...
The Hermite polynomials H_n(x) are set of orthogonal polynomials over the domain (-infty,infty) with weighting function e^(-x^2), illustrated above for n=1, 2, 3, and 4. ...
The Hurwitz zeta function zeta(s,a) is a generalization of the Riemann zeta function zeta(s) that is also known as the generalized zeta function. It is classically defined by ...
Given a group of n men arranged in a circle under the edict that every mth man will be executed going around the circle until only one remains, find the position L(n,m) in ...
In 1611, Kepler proposed that close packing (either cubic or hexagonal close packing, both of which have maximum densities of pi/(3sqrt(2)) approx 74.048%) is the densest ...
The Klein bottle is a closed nonorientable surface of Euler characteristic 0 (Dodson and Parker 1997, p. 125) that has no inside or outside, originally described by Felix ...
An n×n Latin square is a Latin rectangle with k=n. Specifically, a Latin square consists of n sets of the numbers 1 to n arranged in such a way that no orthogonal (row or ...
A matrix is a concise and useful way of uniquely representing and working with linear transformations. In particular, every linear transformation can be represented by a ...
Minimal surfaces are defined as surfaces with zero mean curvature. A minimal surface parametrized as x=(u,v,h(u,v)) therefore satisfies Lagrange's equation, ...
