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11791 - 11800 of 13134 for catastrophe theorySearch Results
A Banach space is a complete vector space B with a norm ||·||. Two norms ||·||_((1)) and ||·||_((2)) are called equivalent if they give the same topology, which is equivalent ...
A band over a fixed topological space X is represented by a cover X= union U_alpha, U_alpha subset= X, and for each alpha, a sheaf of groups K_alpha on U_alpha along with ...
The Barnes-Wall lattice is a d-dimensional lattice that exists when d is a power of 2. It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as LatticeData[{"BarnesWall", n}]. Special ...
A barrel solid of revolution composed of parallel circular top and bottom with a common axis and a side formed by a smooth curve symmetrical about the midplane. The term also ...
The Barth sextic is a sextic surface in complex three-dimensional projective space having the maximum possible number of ordinary double points, namely 65. The surface was ...
A pair of identical plane regions (mirror symmetric about two perpendicular lines through the center) which can be stitched together to form a baseball (or tennis ball). A ...
A "beam detector" for a given curve C is defined as a curve (or set of curves) through which every line tangent to or intersecting C passes. The shortest 1-arc beam detector, ...
There are a few plane curves known as "bean curves." The bean curve identified by Cundy and Rowllet (1989, p. 72) is the quartic curve given by the implicit equation ...
There are two kinds of Bell polynomials. A Bell polynomial B_n(x), also called an exponential polynomial and denoted phi_n(x) (Bell 1934, Roman 1984, pp. 63-67) is a ...
An algorithm that can be used to factor a polynomial f over the integers. The algorithm proceeds by first factoring f modulo a suitable prime p via Berlekamp's method and ...
