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1301 - 1310 of 1716 for cartesian equationSearch Results

Given a line having trilinear coordinate equation lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0 with respect to a reference triangle DeltaABC, the point mn:nl:lm is called the trilinear pole of the ...
There exist points A^', B^', and C^' on segments BC, CA, and AB of a triangle, respectively, such that A^'C+CB^'=B^'A+AC^'=C^'B+BA^' (1) and the lines AA^', BB^', CC^' ...
The truncated square pyramid is a special case of a pyramidal frustum for a square pyramid. Let the base and top side lengths of the truncated pyramid be a and b, and let the ...
Let L be a language of first-order predicate logic, let I be an indexing set, and for each i in I, let A_i be a structure of the language L. Let u be an ultrafilter in the ...
A circuit in which an entire graph is traversed in one route. Examples of curves that can be traced unicursally are the Mohammed sign and unicursal hexagram. The numbers of ...
A theorem, also called a unicity theorem, stating the uniqueness of a mathematical object, which usually means that there is only one object fulfilling given properties, or ...
A vector Laplacian can be defined for a vector A by del ^2A=del (del ·A)-del x(del xA), (1) where the notation ✡ is sometimes used to distinguish the vector Laplacian from ...
There are a number of algebraic identities involving sets of four vectors. An identity known as Lagrange's identity is given by (AxB)·(CxD)=(A·C)(B·D)-(A·D)(B·C) (1) ...
Find nontrivial solutions to sigma(x^2)=sigma(y^2) other than (x,y)=(4,5), where sigma(n) is the divisor function. Nontrivial solutions means that solutions which are ...
A curve named after James Watt (1736-1819), the Scottish engineer who developed the steam engine (MacTutor Archive). The curve is produced by a linkage of rods connecting two ...
