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The superellipsoid is a generalization of the ellipsoid by allowing different exponents of the variables in the algebraic representation. It is similarly a generalization of ...
The supersphere is the algebraic surface that is the special case of the superellipse with a=b=c. It has equation |x/a|^n+|y/a|^n+|z/a|^n=1 (1) or |x|^n+|y|^n+|z|^n=a^n (2) ...
The Thomson cubic Z(X_2) of a triangle DeltaABC is the locus the centers of circumconics whose normals at the vertices are concurrent. It is a self-isogonal cubic with pivot ...
A torispherical dome is the surface obtained from the intersection of a spherical cap with a tangent torus, as illustrated above. The radius of the sphere R is called the ...
The torsion of a space curve, sometimes also called the "second curvature" (Kreyszig 1991, p. 47), is the rate of change of the curve's osculating plane. The torsion tau is ...
The term "total curvature" is used in two different ways in differential geometry. The total curvature, also called the third curvature, of a space curve with line elements ...
Let f:R×R->R be a one-parameter family of C^2 maps satisfying f(0,mu)=0 (1) [(partialf)/(partialx)]_(mu=0,x=0)=0 (2) [(partial^2f)/(partialxpartialmu)]_(0,0)>0 (3) ...
The "trefoil" curve is the name given by Cundy and Rollett (1989, p. 72) to the quartic plane curve given by the equation x^4+x^2y^2+y^4=x(x^2-y^2). (1) As such, it is a ...
A triangle line is a line with trilinear equation lalpha+mbeta+ngamma=0 defined relative to a reference triangle. A triangle line is called a central line iff l:m:n is a ...
A square matrix with nonzero elements only on the diagonal and slots horizontally or vertically adjacent the diagonal (i.e., along the subdiagonal and superdiagonal), [a_(11) ...
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