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An equation is a mathematical expression stating that two or more quantities are the same as one another, also called an equality, formula, or identity.
An indicial equation, also called a characteristic equation, is a recurrence equation obtained during application of the Frobenius method of solving a second-order ordinary ...
A differential equation is an equation that involves the derivatives of a function as well as the function itself. If partial derivatives are involved, the equation is called ...
An equation of the form f(x)=b (mod m), (1) where the values of 0<=x<m for which the equation holds are sought. Such an equation may have none, one, or many solutions. There ...
An equation or formula involving transcendental functions.
The general sextic equation x^6+a_5x^5+a_4x^4+a_3x^3+a_2x^2+a_1x+a_0=0 can be solved in terms of Kampé de Fériet functions, and a restricted class of sextics can be solved in ...
The wave equation is the important partial differential equation del ^2psi=1/(v^2)(partial^2psi)/(partialt^2) (1) that describes propagation of waves with speed v. The form ...
An equation involving a function f(x) and integrals of that function to solved for f(x). If the limits of the integral are fixed, an integral equation is called a Fredholm ...
The Diophantine equation x^2+k=y^3, which is also an elliptic curve. The general equation is still the focus of ongoing study.
An equation of the form P(x)=0, where P(x) is a polynomial.
