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The extended greatest common divisor of two integers m and n can be defined as the greatest common divisor GCD(m,n) of m and n which also satisfies the constraint ...
The probability that two events will both happen is hk, where h is the probability that the first event will happen, and k is the probability that the second event will ...
A set in R^d formed by translating an affine subspace or by the intersection of a set of hyperplanes.
The hazard function (also known as the failure rate, hazard rate, or force of mortality) h(x) is the ratio of the probability density function P(x) to the survival function ...
The subset consisting of all elements of a given set is called an improper subset (Kamke 1950, p. 6).
Two variates A and B are statistically independent iff the conditional probability P(A|B) of A given B satisfies P(A|B)=P(A), (1) in which case the probability of A and B is ...
The exterior of a knot K is the complement of an open solid torus knotted like K. The removed open solid torus is called a tubular neighborhood (Adams 1994, p. 258).
The conjecture that the Artin L-function of any n-dimensional complex representation of the Galois group of a finite extension of the rational numbers Q is an Artin ...
Likelihood is the hypothetical probability that an event that has already occurred would yield a specific outcome. The concept differs from that of a probability in that a ...
A likelihood function L(a) is the probability or probability density for the occurrence of a sample configuration x_1, ..., x_n given that the probability density f(x;a) with ...
