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2631 - 2640 of 13134 for binomial theorySearch Results
If p^k is the highest power of a prime p dividing the order of a finite group G, then a subgroup of G of order p^k is called a Sylow p-subgroup of G.
A symmetric design is a block design (v, k, lambda, r, b) with the same number of blocks as points, so b=v (or, equivalently, r=k). An example of a symmetric block design is ...
A relation R on a set S is symmetric provided that for every x and y in S we have xRy iff yRx. The symmetric relations on n nodes are isomorphic with the rooted graphs on n ...
A conjecture which relates the minimal elliptic discriminant of an elliptic curve to the j-conductor. If true, it would imply Fermat's last theorem for sufficiently large ...
A 3-coloring of graph edges so that no two edges of the same color meet at a graph vertex (Ball and Coxeter 1987, pp. 265-266).
A set of circuits going along the graph edges of a graph, each with an even number of graph edges, such that just one of the circuits passes through each graph vertex (Ball ...
A knot equivalent to a polygonal knot. Knots which are not tame are called wild knots.
In a category C, a terminal object is an object T in Ob(C) such that for any other object X in Ob(C), there is one, and only one morphism from X to T.
A ternary tree is a tree-like structure that is rooted and in which each vertex has at most three children.
A tetractys, also called a tetraktys or decad, is an arrangement of 10 points in the form of a triangle with 1 point in the first row, two in the second, three in the third, ...
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