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Grimm conjectured that if n+1, n+2, ..., n+k are all composite numbers, then there are distinct primes p_(i_j) such that p_(i_j)|(n+j) for 1<=j<=k.
If G is a perfect group, then the group center of the quotient group G/Z(G), where Z(G) is the group center of G, is the trivial group.
Every graph with n vertices and maximum vertex degree Delta(G)<=k is (k+1)-colorable with all color classes of size |_n/(k+1)_| or [n/(k+1)], where |_x_| is the floor ...
A non-Abelian group all of whose subgroups are self-conjugate.
A binary Hamming code H_r of length n=2^r-1 (with r>=2) is a linear code with parity-check matrix H whose columns consist of all nonzero binary vectors of length r, each used ...
An addition chain for which there is a subset H of members such that each member of the chain uses the largest element of H which is less than the member.
A number n for which a shortest chain exists (which is also a Hansen chain) is called a Hansen number.
Let F be a finite field with q elements, and let F_s be a field containing F such that [F_s:F]=s. Let chi be a nontrivial multiplicative character of F and chi^'=chi ...
The Jacobi symbol (a/y)=chi(y) as a number theoretic character can be extended to the Kronecker symbol (f(a)/y)=chi^*(y) so that chi^*(y)=chi(y) whenever chi(y)!=0. When y is ...
Let X be a metric space, A be a subset of X, and d a number >=0. The d-dimensional Hausdorff measure of A, H^d(A), is the infimum of positive numbers y such that for every ...
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