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A binary Hamming code H_r of length n=2^r-1 (with r>=2) is a linear code with parity-check matrix H whose columns consist of all nonzero binary vectors of length r, each used ...
The United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx be used to refer to the binary logarithm log_2x (Taylor 1995, p. 33). However, this practice is not ...
The symbol ldx is occasionally used in German literature to refer to the binary logarithm. However, the United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx ...
A rooted tree in which the order of the subtrees is significant. There is a one-to-one correspondence between ordered forests with n nodes and binary trees with n nodes.
A ringoid is a set R with two binary operators, conventionally denoted addition (+) and multiplication (×), where × distributes over + left and right: a(b+c)=ab+ac and ...
A semiring is a set together with two binary operators S(+,*) satisfying the following conditions: 1. Additive associativity: For all a,b,c in S, (a+b)+c=a+(b+c), 2. Additive ...
Let A be the area of a simply closed lattice polygon. Let B denote the number of lattice points on the polygon edges and I the number of points in the interior of the ...
The Baum-Sweet sequence is the sequence of numbers {b_n} such that b_n=1 if the binary representation of n contains no block of consecutive 0s of odd length, and b_n=0 ...
The Dirichlet kernel D_n^M is obtained by integrating the number theoretic character e^(i<xi,x>) over the ball |xi|<=M, D_n^M=-1/(2pir)d/(dr)D_(n-2)^M.
The only whole number solution to the Diophantine equation y^3=x^2+2 is y=3, x=+/-5. This theorem was offered as a problem by Fermat, who suppressed his own proof.