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Every finite Abelian group can be written as a group direct product of cyclic groups of prime power group orders. In fact, the number of nonisomorphic Abelian finite groups ...
The Landau-Mignotte bound, also known as the Mignotte bound, is used in univariate polynomial factorization to determine the number of Hensel lifting steps needed. It gives ...
A set of n distinct numbers taken from the interval [1,n^2] form a magic series if their sum is the nth magic constant M_n=1/2n(n^2+1) (Kraitchik 1942, p. 143). The numbers ...
A mapping of random number triples to points in spherical coordinates according to theta = 2piX_n (1) phi = piX_(n+1) (2) r = sqrt(X_(n+2)) (3) in order to detect unexpected ...
An odd permutation is a permutation obtainable from an odd number of two-element swaps, i.e., a permutation with permutation symbol equal to -1. For initial set {1,2,3,4}, ...
A graphical plot with abscissa given by the number p of consecutive numbers constituting a single period and ordinate given by the correlation ratio eta. The equation of the ...
A power mean is a mean of the form M_p(a_1,a_2,...,a_n)=(1/nsum_(k=1)^na_k^p)^(1/p), (1) where the parameter p is an affinely extended real number and all a_k>=0. A power ...
A random permutation is a permutation containing a fixed number n of a random selection from a given set of elements. There are two main algorithms for constructing random ...
A random variable is a measurable function from a probability space (S,S,P) into a measurable space (S^',S^') known as the state space (Doob 1996). Papoulis (1984, p. 88) ...
Somos defines a rational triangle as a triangle such that all three sides measured relative to each other are rational. Koblitz (1993) defined a congruent number as an ...
