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1971 - 1980 of 13135 for binary numberSearch Results

"The" Griffiths point Gr is the fixed point in Griffiths' theorem. Given four points on a circle and a line through the center of the circle, the four corresponding Griffiths ...
An H-space, named after Heinz Hopf, and sometimes also called a Hopf space, is a topological space together with a continuous binary operation mu:X×X->X, such that there ...
With three cuts, dissect an equilateral triangle into a square. The problem was first proposed by Dudeney in 1902, and subsequently discussed in Dudeney (1958), and Gardner ...
The axioms formulated by Hausdorff (1919) for his concept of a topological space. These axioms describe the properties satisfied by subsets of elements x in a neighborhood ...
A homogeneous ideal I in a graded ring R= direct sum A_i is an ideal generated by a set of homogeneous elements, i.e., each one is contained in only one of the A_i. For ...
When two cycles have a transversal intersection X_1 intersection X_2=Y on a smooth manifold M, then Y is a cycle. Moreover, the homology class that Y represents depends only ...
"Implies" is the connective in propositional calculus which has the meaning "if A is true, then B is also true." In formal terminology, the term conditional is often used to ...
The Radon inverse transform is an integral transform that has found widespread application in the reconstruction of images from medical CT scans. The Radon and inverse Radon ...
The commutator series of a Lie algebra g, sometimes called the derived series, is the sequence of subalgebras recursively defined by g^(k+1)=[g^k,g^k], (1) with g^0=g. The ...
where Gamma(z) is the gamma function and other details are discussed by Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2000).
