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If the parameters of a Lie group vary over a closed interval, them the Lie group is said to be compact. Every representation of a compact group is equivalent to a unitary ...
A compact manifold is a manifold that is compact as a topological space. Examples are the circle (the only one-dimensional compact manifold) and the n-dimensional sphere and ...
If V and W are Banach spaces and T:V->W is a bounded linear operator, the T is said to be a compact operator if it maps the unit ball of V into a relatively compact subset of ...
A subset S of a topological space X is compact if for every open cover of S there exists a finite subcover of S.
A topological space is compact if every open cover of X has a finite subcover. In other words, if X is the union of a family of open sets, there is a finite subfamily whose ...
A subset of a topological space which is compact with respect to the relative topology.
A function has compact support if it is zero outside of a compact set. Alternatively, one can say that a function has compact support if its support is a compact set. For ...
A compact surface is a surface which is also a compact set. A compact surface has a triangulation with a finite number of triangles. The sphere and torus are compact.
A compactification of a topological space X is a larger space Y containing X which is also compact. The smallest compactification is the one-point compactification. For ...
Inside a ball B in R^3, {rectifiable currents S in BL area S<=c, length partialS<=c} is compact under the flat norm.
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