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The sextic curve also known as atriphtothlassic curve and given by the equation x^4(x^2+y^2)-(ax^2-b)^2=0, where a,b>0.
The baby monster group, also known as Fischer's baby monster group, is the second-largest sporadic group. It is denoted B and has group order |B| = ...
A quartic curve with implicit equation (a^2)/(x^2)-(b^2)/(y^2)=1 (1) or a^2y^2-b^2x^2=x^2y^2 (2) and a,b>0. In parametric form, x = +/-acost (3) y = bcott. (4) The curvature ...
A quartic curve that resembles the symbol for the zodiacal sign Capricorn given by the implicit equation a^2x^2(x^2+y^2)-b(ay-x^2-y^2)^2=0, where a>0, b>a^2. The curve ...
The invariance of domain theorem states that if f:M->N is a one-to-one and continuous map between n-manifolds without boundary, then f is an open map.
The Harada-Norton group is the sporadic group HN of order |HN| = 273030912000000 (1) = 2^(14)·3^6·5^6·7·11·19. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as ...
The Held group is the sporadic group He of order |He| = 4030387200 (1) = 2^(10)·3^3·5^2·7^3·17. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as HeldGroupHe[].
The Higman-Sims group is the sporadic group HS of order |HS| = 44352000 (1) = 2^9·3^2·5^3·7·11. (2) The Higman-Sims group is 2-transitive, and has permutation representations ...
The Lyons group is the sporadic group Ly of order |Ly| = 51765179004000000 (1) = 2^8·3^7·5^6·7·11·31·37·67. (2) It is implemented in the Wolfram Language as LyonsGroupLy[].
A curve also known as swan-like curve or streamline. It is given by the polar equation r=atheta+b, where a>0.
