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A generalization of the polyominoes using a collection of equal-sized equilateral triangles (instead of squares) arranged with coincident sides. Polyiamonds are sometimes ...
An acnode, also called an isolated point or hermit point, of a curve is a point that satisfies the equation of the curve but has no neighboring points that also lie on the ...
A term invented by B. Grünbaum in an attempt to promote concrete and precise polyhedron terminology. The word "coptic" derives from the Greek for "to cut," and acoptic ...
The value nearest to but still inside an inner fence.
A map projection. The inverse equations for phi are computed by iteration. Let the angle of the projection plane be theta_b. Define a={0 for theta_b=1/2pi; ...
A field K is said to be algebraically closed if every polynomial with coefficients in K has a root in K.
A transformation in which vectors are transformed in a fixed coordinate system. In contrast, a transformation in which the coordinate system is changed, leaving vectors in ...
An anchor is the bundle map rho from a vector bundle A to the tangent bundle TB satisfying 1. [rho(X),rho(Y)]=rho([X,Y]) and 2. [X,phiY]=phi[X,Y]+(rho(X)·phi)Y, where X and Y ...
An angle theta drawn on the coordinate plane is said to be in standard position if its initial side lies on the positive x-axis so that its vertex coincides with the origin ...
A unit of angular measure equal to 60 arc seconds, or 1/60 of a degree. The arc minute is denoted ^' (not to be confused with the symbol for feet).
