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The continuous Fourier transform is defined as f(nu) = F_t[f(t)](nu) (1) = int_(-infty)^inftyf(t)e^(-2piinut)dt. (2) Now consider generalization to the case of a discrete ...
The permanent is an analog of a determinant where all the signs in the expansion by minors are taken as positive. The permanent of a matrix A is the coefficient of x_1...x_n ...
A statistic defined to improve the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test in the tail of a distribution.
The function psi(x)={sin(x/c) |x|<cpi; 0 |x|>cpi, (1) which occurs in estimation theory.
A generalization of the Bulirsch-Stoer algorithm for solving ordinary differential equations.
A procedure for finding the quadratic factors for the complex conjugate roots of a polynomial P(x) with real coefficients. (1) Now write the original polynomial as ...
A bicubic spline is a special case of bicubic interpolation which uses an interpolation function of the form y(x_1,x_2) = sum_(i=1)^(4)sum_(j=1)^(4)c_(ij)t^(i-1)u^(j-1) (1) ...
An occurrence of a variable in a logic which is not free. Bound variables are also called dummy variables.
A canonical brick is a 1×2×4 cuboid.
A sum of the digits in a given transmission modulo some number. The simplest form of checksum is a parity bit appended on to 7-bit numbers (e.g., ASCII characters) such that ...
