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A finite group is a group having finite group order. Examples of finite groups are the modulo multiplication groups, point groups, cyclic groups, dihedral groups, symmetric ...
A cycle of a graph G, also called a circuit if the first vertex is not specified, is a subset of the edge set of G that forms a path such that the first node of the path ...
The Heawood graph is a cubic graph on 14 vertices and 21 edges which is the unique (3,6)-cage graph. It is also a Moore graph. It has graph diameter 3, graph radius 3, and ...
The n-hypercube graph, also called the n-cube graph and commonly denoted Q_n or 2^n, is the graph whose vertices are the 2^k symbols epsilon_1, ..., epsilon_n where ...
The number two (2) is the second positive integer and the first prime number. It is even, and is the only even prime (the primes other than 2 are called the odd primes). The ...
An Abelian category is a category for which the constructions and techniques of homological algebra are available. The basic examples of such categories are the category of ...
The adjacency matrix, sometimes also called the connection matrix, of a simple labeled graph is a matrix with rows and columns labeled by graph vertices, with a 1 or 0 in ...
An algebraic curve over a field K is an equation f(X,Y)=0, where f(X,Y) is a polynomial in X and Y with coefficients in K. A nonsingular algebraic curve is an algebraic curve ...
Algebraic topology is the study of intrinsic qualitative aspects of spatial objects (e.g., surfaces, spheres, tori, circles, knots, links, configuration spaces, etc.) that ...
Let s(n)=sigma(n)-n, where sigma(n) is the divisor function and s(n) is the restricted divisor function. Then the sequence of numbers s^0(n)=n,s^1(n)=s(n),s^2(n)=s(s(n)),... ...