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A method for finding solutions u and v to a linear congruence au+bv=d by constructing a matrix formed by adjoining a vector containing a and b with a unit matrix, M=[a 1 0; b ...
Any bounded planar region with positive area >A placed in any position of the unit square lattice can be translated so that the number of lattice points inside the region ...
A quartic surface which can be constructed as follows. Given a circle C and plane E perpendicular to the plane of C, move a second circle K of the same radius as C through ...
If f has no spectrum in [-lambda,lambda], then ||f||_infty<=pi/(2lambda)||f^'||_infty (1) (Bohr 1935). A related inequality states that if A_k is the class of functions such ...
If a continuous function defined on an interval is sometimes positive and sometimes negative, it must be 0 at some point. Bolzano (1817) proved the theorem (which effectively ...
The Bombieri p-norm of a polynomial Q(x)=sum_(i=0)^na_ix^i (1) is defined by [Q]_p=[sum_(i=0)^n(n; i)^(1-p)|a_i|^p]^(1/p), (2) where (n; i) is a binomial coefficient. The ...
Every Boolean algebra is isomorphic to the Boolean algebra of sets. The theorem is equivalent to the maximal ideal theorem, which can be proved without using the axiom of ...
The Borwein integrals are the class of definite integrals defined by I_n=1/piint_0^inftyx^(-(n+1)/2)product_(k=1,3,...)^nsin(x/k)dx for odd n. The integrals are curious ...
A transformation which transforms from a two-dimensional continuous uniform distribution to a two-dimensional bivariate normal distribution (or complex normal distribution). ...
A braid is an intertwining of some number of strings attached to top and bottom "bars" such that each string never "turns back up." In other words, the path of each string in ...
